Understand people want to open source Aarogya Setu and this demand has been central to advocacy efforts. What I urge for is broader transparency at the server side code, complete technical architecture and the service contracts of the volunteers. The next step is accountability.
For an accountability framework we need a term limited law that first examines the feasibility of the product specifications and the certain costs to fundamental rights. If such study is conducted with independence and transparency it will further trust.
Both mechanisms of technical and legal safeguards are complements to each other. They work towards securing healthcare objectives in a constitutional manner. Serving social welfare with respect for individual rights and federalism. Hope people can align on these basic principles.
I understand what I say is complex and may not be popular but this is thinking which has emerged over work done years principally on the Aadhaar programme. At least since 2016. So, if there was ever a time for more people with expertise to work together. It is now.
Finally, people who are volunteers can play an important role in avoiding the mistakes of Aadhaar. Please do not rationalise by stating that you are mitigating a certain injury. Aarogya Setu is building into a coercive technology because of an absence of pushback. Please speak up
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