Okay, questions:

1. Since when did eliciting suicide become legal?
2. Are there any Good Samaritan laws that government employees must follow?
If your spouse, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, or best friends were either held by the government or were in critical/
Condition in the hospital, would you fear for them? Grieve for them? Fight your best fight to help them? Remember you love them?

Do you know on an emotional level if you would have the strength to live without them, or to live without fearing, grieving, fighting for, or loving/
Them? Could you really say that money is more important than seeing them again and again and again? Would you willfully choose to condemn your neighbors to endure any of those things?
What about choosing that for your friends and loved ones? And would it matter if it was you,/
Yes you, that your friends or loved ones had to make that choice for? Or had to grieve for, fear for, live without?

These are the questions we must face. These are painful questions for so many of us, and there around thousands of people in the US who already had to leave their/
Answers the hard way. Not all of the people who faced those questions had to do do because of a virus, the one many claim is fictional; many have also had to learn their answer to such hard, painful questions because that reality was brought to them by patriotically blinded/
Yet misplaced belief in the head of one of five branches of this country. Sure, there's the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, aka the President & all beneath him; both houses of Congress; and the US Supreme Court. Then there's all the bureaucracy. Lastly, most/
Important of all however... Is you. Me. Us, the citizens. We are the political body who are part of a social contract, one we don't all agree with, and one that is enforced without our consent from day 1 of each of our lives: We allow others to make decisions in our interest,/
And if they betray those interests as a collective, we may take back our power. This can be done by impeachments, by re-elections, and other processes that remove an elected official from power. We can even vote against the individual if we want to suffer their abuse of our trust
For the rest of their term. At this point, however, that would be foolish. You roll loaded dice against yourself, your family, your neighbors, even your loved ones, if us the people don't make the government answer to us once again. We must remove lobbying. We must force people/
Who cannot respect lives and health out. When this is all over, We must use our voices to shout, We must use our limbs to march, We must use our minds to trap the arguments against us against the wall, We must use our hearts to remember that we all bleed the same blood, We must/
Use our morals as our sword and shield against the powerful who would slay us without a thought, We must use our courage to bring force to defend ourselves, We must use our patience, our humanity, and our wisdom so we do not throw the first blow and make our cause seem unjust./
We must regain our rights to self-determination and our rights of political civil action to reforge the war machines of industry move into production sites of vaccines, of health and well-being, of respect and dignity for life. The economy is worth nothing if none of us live to/
See it recover, and We can pick up the pieces afterwards, together, once We remove the powerful, the leeches, from our many blood vessels. We must honor the reasons for which our country was founded, and add to them: not just taxation without representation, but representation/
Without accountability or respect. Do you know every bill Congress votes on? Of course not, but I'll bet if We could all come together in a room and spend the many breaks and half-weeks they do to figure out what we wanted, we would come up with it faster, with fewer breaks, and/
Fairer outcomes, especially if every voted on them, as they ought to, if everyone raised their ideas as they ought to, when democracy is direct. Why does anyone become a tyrant?

Power gives privileges, including the ability to get away with more, and to experience more. This/
Becomes the new lifestyle, and the tyrant enjoys it; to have one's feelings of worthlessness combated by the answering of even their most private and depraved whims, to have the ability to shoo people away, to have additional privacy and security, to make their position secure/
Or even permanent for their own sake... Try to remove them from it, and you will see them struggle: they will try to cling to it as long as they can, they will make traps of their own devising to take down enemies to their guaranteed position, they will flaunt their earnings to/
Earn loyalty, they will accuse people of slander for speaking truth, they will slander those same people and give false promises. Finally, if they cannot keep their position, they will either feign a crisis of conscience and a willingness to repent "if I may be allowed to keep/
The immaterial benefits of this position for a bit longer; a second chance and I will do everything I promised, and even more than that!". OR they will wield their power, as tooth and nail, and by any and every means necessary they will make removal into a war.

That is the path/
For all tyrants; the questions become, in that case:
1. Will we keep facing those questions from the beginning of this thread, over and over?
2. How long can we or will we keep our heads in the sand?
3. When the breaking point comes, because that is inevitable, what will we do?/
What kind of people will we be in the fight? What kind of people will we remake ourselves into if we make it out?
Which side will we be on? What will we do if we must fight our loved ones?

4. And these onse can only be answered when it is all finally over.... What side of/
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