good morning twitter it is real rating speed limit signs hours let's go
Mexico no

Why did you put a circle on a square

Do you understand basic geometry

4/10 for metric though
This one's in France

I really like the Caractères font that France uses on its road signs

The Rappel (reminder) board is a neat addition too (it informs the driver that the speed limit shown applied previously anyway)

Now off to Finland

Finland's speed limit signs are yellow to improve snow visibility, which is a neat feature that I'm pretty sure is exclusive to Nordic countries in Europe (Sweden has them too)

10/10 for uniqueness and for that lovely aesthetically-pleasing font
I apologise to all Finns for referring to Finland as a Nordic country. You may now drown me in a vat of Kosenkorva as punishment for my sins
Speaking of Swedish speed limit signs, the Swedish variation of speed limit signs uses a different font and doesn't have the thin yellow border that Finnish ones have. Also very nice, 10/10
Now onto New Zealand. I like how some of the speed limit signs here have unusually thick red borders around the edges, and if you look at speed limits of 100km/h and up you'll notice the similarity with the font on USA road signs, because they're actually the same.

Now onto South Africa

This is a really pretty font. 10/10 immediately, except for the second sign which has a point docked for being misaligned
next up is Ireland (Republic of, not Northern, as NI uses the same road signs as the UK)

Sorry what the fuck

I don't know why but I hate this font so much

0/10 genuinely unbearable
I apologise to all citizens of the Republic of Ireland for my blasphemy, as I have just found this image
After the break, I'm moving on to the UAE. I like the split speed limits for different vehicle types, and they seem to be one of the few countries where minimum speed limit signs are regularly used. Nice font too, 10/10
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