A white person cannot tell a black person or a poc what is or isn’t racist. A straight person cannot tell a gay person what is or isn’t homophobic. A cisperson cannot tell a transperson what is or isn’t transphobic. A man cannot tell a woman what is or isn’t misogynistic.
We all have different levels of privilege. A white person should acknowledge their privilege then use it as a tool to help the black community. A straight/cis person should acknowledge their privilege then use it as a tool to help the LGBTQ+ community.
A man should acknowledge his privilege then use it as a tool to help women. Feminism isn’t about women being superior. It’s about equality for all sexes and genders and no that doesn’t just mean men being able to hit women.
I’m so so so tired of seeing blatant ignorance on my TL and fyp everyday. If you’re bored in quarantine improve your skillset or something. There’s no need to attack people constantly. You lot got me FUCKED up.
You can follow @xamosaaa.
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