Can I remind everyone that the reason everyone is being short with people posing "devil's advocate" arguments about reopening is *reopening is actually happening while the pandemic is still going on and people are going to die because of it*
I don't have a lot of patience right now

Yeah you're having a hard time, everyone is

If you start making complainy noises in my direction like you seriously think we should let the infection rate climb back up to alleviate your discomfort I will tear your goddamn head off
One thing that the movies get right is how fucking ANGRY you get at the one whiny person hiding in the attic with you

Yeah NO SHIT it sucks being in here Mr van Daan, do you think any of us wanted to be here, do you think this is an enjoyable vacation for the rest of us
Don't yell at ME about how the virus works, I didn't make the damn thing

It's not a rule someone made up and imposed on you, IT'S HOW THINGS WORK

Good Lord fuck you
I don't doubt that Sarah Ditum is having a shitty time of it in her house right now

I don't begrudge her an ounce of being generally disagreeable or unhappy

But when she uses her platform to concern troll on lifting restrictions so cleaners can clean again, of course I'll yell

The US and the UK do not have responsible governments

They will cave to even the slightest bit of perceived pressure to do what they really want to do anyway

You're spitballing with live ammo you maniac
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