"Communism/socialism killed 100m people"

Alright dummy you wanna play that game?

That statistic is from the Black Book of Communism, a book that all barring one of the authors and contributors distanced themselves from and disavowed because of one of the other co-authors
Stéphane Courtois was described by his co-authors as being "obsessed" with reaching the 100 million figure, including things like car accidents and deaths from old age and even Nazis and their collaborators if you can believe it.
Not only that, but he massively MASSIVELY inflated deaths. He lists the Chinese Famine under Mao as killing 65 million people. The more accurate figure is 15 million and this is backed up by Chinese statistics. He claims the Cultural Revolution killed 5m; it's closer to 400k.
In the Soviet Union he was again inflating statistics by including things like the 1921 Russian Famine (that took place because of a drought in the middle of the Civil War), the Soviet Famine of 1932-33 which he says killed 7m but it'd actually an estimated 2.4m
And even then historians like J Arch Getty and the majority of scholars are not convinced that the famine was intentional but instead caused by multiple parties https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v09/n02/j.-arch-getty/starving-the-ukraine
One of the authors, Nicholas Werth, has admitted that he alleged that the Soviet Union killed 15 million and the Courtois seemingly magicked up an additional 5 million which is also, curiously, the same number of Wehrmacht soldiers killed by the Soviet Union during WWII
There was also massively inflated figures in South East Asia, Latin America and Africa but this should not be a surprise at this point as it was all part of Courtois' obsession with reaching that round 100 million figure.
The real number is still huge, it's in the tens of millions with a figure of 40 million I've heard but it absolutely PAILS compared to the numbers killed by capitalism. These figures were for communism and socialism, all over the world, pretty much since the Russian Revolution
Capitalism's figures? Including imperialism because it's absolutely intrinsic to capitalism, 40 million were killed in World War One alone, a war brought about by imperialism, and WWII killed 85m, a war brought about by capitalist economic failure and capitalism in decay; fascism
This is not even counting the figures of people killed by poverty, preventable disease, hunger; TODAY that figure is about 20m a year globally let alone what it was throughout centuries of greater poverty
However, in India alone, centuries of imposed poverty by the East India Company killed up to 1.8bn Indians
So next time someone brings up the idea that Communism/Socialism killed 100m people, you know it's bullshit and you can tell them why. Have to credit this guy on TikTok because he did it much more succinctly than I.
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