While we are all sharing our mundane celebrity encounters, I need to share this amazing non-mundane one from my gran.

My gran was a Holocaust rescuer and received a bunch of commendations and awards and things in the 80s and 90s. She was also DEEPLY not clued in to pop culture.
She lived in remote Vermont with a TV with about two channels. If you were famous after about 1970 and weren't a Metropolitan Opera singer, she would have no clue who you were.
So she was at some event one time, with my uncle, and was getting some kind of human rights commendation, and the celebrity guest who was there to get the event attention was WILL. SMITH. Like, around 2000, when he was basically the biggest film star on the planet.
And Will Smith, who seems to be a decent guy and who had done some homework about this event and the people who were being recognised, came up to my grandmother and started gushing about how much he admired her and how inspirational she was.
And my uncle (who is in his 40s then and knows very well who Smith is) is standing there about to explode with excitement, and my grandmother (who was raised in upper crust Dutch society and acts like it) is being serenely gracious and kind, like royalty accepting an audience.
And Will Smith finishes fanboying and walks away, and my grandmother says, loudly, "WELL, WHAT A *NICE YOUNG MAN*" and my uncle has to tell her that she just met BASICALLY THE BIGGEST MOVIE STAR ON THE PLANET and he didn't even get to get his autograph.
And that is all you ever need to know about my grandmother. That and she would hit us with cutlery and scream in Dutch if we put our elbows on the table. This basically sums her up.
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