he's right to a large extent https://twitter.com/chidi_x6x/status/1260853506547818497
let's talk about logic in the bible. what is logical about parting a sea with a stick? anybody, even a "man of god", who tried that today would be better off in a sanitorium.
what is logical about god instructing the israelites to fight the ammonites, hittites etc, and kill every living thing even the animals or in "lenient" cases, take the women and livestock as "booty and spoils of war". are the hittites not human beings too, god's children?
okay the god of the old testament is different (which is funny for a god that never changes). the new testament god, by the time you come round to revelations, merely prescribes all sorts of reward for good/bad ppl. the scenery wouldn't be out of place in a lord of the rings film
words like apocalypse, armaggedon, fire, brimstone, seven horsemen or so, angels that sound like one is describing elves, mark of the devil etc. stories to scare kids into believing. adults who believe these things are hilarious
nobody watches lord of the rings and believes orcs will eventually overrun earth. but it's a story created by a human being. same with the bible but with deterministic purposes. but they attached "holy" to it and it becomes logical. this is not to say the quran is any better btw
but of course logic can be found in the pages of the bible. most of the words ascribed to jesus christ for example (his real existence is doubtful anyway, no records of such a popular human being under the roman empire and they recorded most of their pop culture)
however any semblance of research will reveal that most, if not all, of the logic in the "holy" bible were copied and pasted. human beings all over the world were not all daft waiting for the bible to bring logic all of a sudden one fateful day.
from india to china, very ancient civilizations predating that of the jews, logic reigned supreme. how else did they create highly sophisticated languages & ways of life e.g sanskrit, hinduism, buddhism that obtain to this day.
this is a soliloquy of sorts because i believe everyone except one or two on my timeline are not brainwashed by religion. the bible, the quran etc are not authorities on logic by any stretch. in fact logic is a natural accessory of the human mind. don't sleep on it
there might be those on the fence as well and if by chance they come across this thread i hope it nudges them, however little, on the way to relying on the rational gifts of their brain against the background of the evolution of nature. explore the world not fantastic holy books.
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