For me, the hardest thing to master when I first started meditating was the breathing aspect. I’ve always took for granted how easy it is to breathe, deep and fully, until you ask your brain to do it. It’s an arduous task. Breathe in, your brain will ask you how? How what?
Mind: well you inhale a nice long breath for a count of 10-16, whatever. Hold it for 5, breathe out fully for a count of 10.
Brain: “Okay, so, you inhale. I got this. How?”
M: Well, you expand the diaphragm and that opens space for air to come in.
B “and the diaphragm is what and where?”
M: it’s literally in the body, right behind the ribs, man, you really should know this right?
B: “got it, nope, we never used this before. it’s new.”
M : it’s not new, remember using it when we run?
B: “oh, yeah” *heart starts pounding
M: what the flick, why am I getting clammy and my heart is pounding now.
B: “well, you said to remember to breathe in deep and use the diaphragm. the last time we did, i was excited.”
M: we are on a soft chair in 70 degree nice cool air with sound of waves in the background.
B: “so, we good?”
M: yeah, relax. we are stellar.
B: “okay, trusting you.”
M: why am I not breathing yet?
B: “oh, we’re still doing that?”
M: yup, still trying to stay alive.
B: “oh, great. yeah, got it.”
M: breathe in deep, hold, and release
B: “how long?”
M: doesn’t really matter as long as whatever it is, we keep doing that cycle.
B: “okay, breathing in.”
M: yes, this is nice.
*breathes in for three cycles
B: “bruh, remember your dog is in the bedroom sleeping?”
M: not important, let it go.
B: “member when you.”
M: not important, let it go. oh, yeah. good times, but can we get back to this.
B: “oh, sure.”
*breathes few more cycles
B: “hey?”
M: yes, you ok?
B: “ are we done yet, it’s been 4 minutes.”
M: give me 6 more minutes, okay? We got no where to be, kinda #StayHomeSaveLives thing
B: “alright, 6 minutes, but I’m bored.”
M: if we eat after, will you be good?
B: “yeah...6?”
M: yes, just 6.
*really relaxed, not thinking of anything
B: “what are you fixing me?
M: in 4 minutes, anything you want?
B: “cake?”
M: try to stay fit too, protein bar?
B: “ice cream”
M: frozen yogurt?
B: “okay, sounds good”
*4 minutes pass uninterrupted
Starting to meditate for the first time is challenging, walking for the first time is so huge it’s a milestone. It was challenging to balance and move forward without falling. Starting to meditate is a milestone too for your mind. There’s no wrong way, no right way.
But, the benefits of reducing stress, insomnia, starting to think more clearly and more creatively about issues happening around you is enormous. Steve Jobs did an hour+ each day and when he was examined after he died, found to have a brain of a much younger man
Mindfulness meditation helps because better able to concentrate for longer periods of time, remain calm when under pressure, and better handle job-related stress, all of which are of great benefits.
Hope this thread helps anyone thinking of trying to meditate for the first time.
You can follow @azriel71.
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