No one wants to make Mom mad. And no one loves their children more than a mother. The fiercest creature in the forest is the mother grizzly bear who has somehow found you in between HER and her cubs!
So when mothers bring their children to their family doctor it's out of love.
We have been told that good parents make sure that their children get "all their shots" and "right on schedule" to keep them safe, but , more importantly to prove that you are good parents. But mothers already were good parents.
We have been told that all of the ingredients in the shots have been vigorously and thoroughly tested, and that the shots are very safe, and that vaccine-injuries (medical-speak = Adverse Events or AE) are "1 in a million."
We have been told that there are deadly diseases out there, and that the graveyards 100 yrs ago were filled with the bodies of tiny babies who died from those diseases. And if we don't give our baby that shot right now, they (might, may, could, will likely, will) die!
So what makes an #AngryMother? When our trust in our family doctor is violated when the vaccine we gave our child was not safe, the injuries are not "1 in a million", & you are told "you're crazy" if you think the vaccine did it.
Now you've done it. Sen. Richard Pan. Gov. Gavin Newsom, Lorena Gonzalez, Dr. Charity Dean & all the #medicalfascists out there who legislated forcing this swill into our precious children,hurting them,maiming them,robbing them of the lives the could have lived!
You got Mom mad!
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