Some questions for Scot Gov that journalists / opposition parties might want to ask.

1. How many people have been recruited in Scotland to track and trace CV19 infections.
1a. When will they be in post?
1b. How were they recruited and who will they be employed by?

1c How will these people be used?
1d Where can we see plans for this?

2. When will the Scottish track and trace app be operational?
2a Who is building it?
2b How does it handle personal data?
2c Why not use the Google / Apple service in use across Europe?
2d Where can we see plans for this?

3. With no hard borders in the Uk and people moving freely across the mainland why do we need separate schemes from PHE app / track and trace teams?

4. What are the budgets for these and from where does the funding come from?

Finally - please RT and draw attention of your favourite journalists and politicians to these questions!

You can follow @AG_Bissett.
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