Since it's Thursday, si we do a TBT THREAD.

There are some Eke'Gusii tunes that shaped, our Grandparents' love life, you'll end up loving them.

Hilarious, Funny yet on point and Educative.
'Omwanchi one Stella', this among the best, the Nyakoora Jazz Band, were trying to impress a lover, with the best of lines of that time, the best being, 'Aye Saizi yangu Toreng'aine' 😂
'Omwanchi Chemima' this is another classy one by Arisi O'Sababu, he's praising her lover for good manners, but unfortunately, he's to depart for Zaire, and he'll miss her, but he takes a photo instead, for remembrance. 😍
'Omwanchi Jane', is another hit, in which, Arisi rants about his lover, Jane, who woke up and left never to return, he's been writing to her, but she's yet to hear from her. He can't forget him though. ♥
'Omwanchi Suzy' as sung by Joseph Ondika, was also a lit jam, he's also ranting of how neighbours badmouthed him to his lover, to a point she left. However, he's pleading her to be back, in quite a flowery way. 😂
'Omaiseke MarySelah' was a sensation in those times. Sung by the Legend of Gusii music, Christopher Monyoncho, urging a certain lady to stop cheap sideshows, time is up, she should get married. 😂
'Omwanchi one'Lucy' by Anyona, was an hilarious tune to listen to, he's complaining of the untruthful nature of her lover. Generally, he says, ladies of nowadays, love money, but if you visit their homes, there's no money there. 😂
'Jane nkai'Okare' is a sad, yet funny tune by Nyakoora, looking for her 'white-teethed' lover 'Nyamaino Mandegere' who he misses a lot, he saying, if she's gets to song, she returns home to him. 😭
'Omorugi Nyakanga' is a maaad tune, presented by Nyamecheo Jazz Band. He's pitying a friend whose wife has been a disgrase to him, of disrespect. 😂
Some of the videos are renditions, the artists died sometime back, but of importance is the message.

Jibambe. 😂.
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