This is really how I feel on insta. Obvs there are people who aren’t active but the ones that are will view your stories, like all posts from mutuals and you see it all lol
I’m glad that this time I shared my insta out and left people to follow me instead of force following people I know. I realised in the past they’d mostly follow back because they feel like they need to and there’s no point if your content isn’t for them
But even though I tried avoiding it, a few still ended up following & rarely like posts, even though I post daily (so it’s hard to miss). It’s sadder when it’s from active family/friends, mainly because a like is free and one of the easiest forms of support.
I know a lot of content creators/people that provide services feel like this too. It is what it is though, just know that it does matter to us. I hugely appreciate those that do show support and they will always have mine if ever needed ❤️
You can follow @nursemarch.
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