1/7 We have lived for decades encouraged to be individuals. This has acted to narrow our vision limiting many people's ability to consider realities beyond their personal experience. We are not the #Ubuntu nation we claim to be.
2/7 In times of crisis this can create challenges both internally (we cannot reconcile our personal needs with the needs of the nation) and externally (non-compliance by individuals means resources go towards control instead of towards positive, growth-driven planning).
3/7 Rock meet hard place.
4/7 I believe that we need to look past our personal needs…where those needs are not critical to our survival (put that eye-cream down).

Collectivism. We need to behave as a unit. We need to take care of each other by wearing masks properly (even when in your car alone) and
5/7 by considering the impact of this lockdown beyond our own lives and beyond the lives of our neighbours.

We need to consider ways of life that are infinitely harder than our own. We all need to be dedicated to the pillars of flattening the curve.
6/7 This will call for greater sacrifice to balance the unliveable circumstances of millions in our country.

By staying indoors & limiting movement we allow those who live on the fringes of society to have the room to earn a living, feed their children & make it to tomorrow.
7/7 If we tie up valuable resources addressing our non-critical needs, we are robbing the poor of getting the assistance that could prove life-saving. Please South Africa, please let’s do more. We need our whole nation to get through this. #LockdownSA
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