this doesn't make sense and let me explain why
this doesn't make sense and let me explain why

1. someone in the comments stated that ableism isn't korean culture !!
2. just bc it seems socially acceptable in other "cultures" it's doesn't make it okay ?? that's why it's being called out ?? years ago(shit even today) +
many people would appropriate cultures and say various slurs that would not fly today bc we(for the most part) have grown from that. (ie:) it would be dumb to say that someone should still be able to use the f slur bc they grew up saying it and it would be wrong for them to+
make them "conform". the whole point is to call out something that's wrong so people can learn. no one is trying to make jaemin "culturally aware of his non korean culture" bc like i said slurs aren't a culture :)
this also isn't me putting words in his mouth or me stating my opinion on the matter i just think this argument is flawed
also i'm not neurodivergent and this isn't me in any way trying to speak on THAT issue
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