I have never been more aware of the fact that acceptance is not about a one-time move from one passive state to another. It's much more an active process of continuously evolving awareness, insight and adaptation.
And it can ONLY happen once you get your head around the fact that when change pushes at you, you have to change too, often forever.
What we're seeing now is a resistance to that fact on a national scale.
We're used to crises being small and personal. There, evolution of acceptance happens for different people at different speeds, and usually we know to accommodate that kindly and patiently. And yet when change comes on a national and global scale? We simply can't do that anymore.
Trouble comes when everyone's personal reactions to the big change get all muddled up WITH the collective response, when you can't really separate one from another. Everyone moving at different speeds with no clear direction is disastrous.
What seems to help is good leadership and firm, new systems. Once systems and structures have been adapted, people can use them to learn how to adapt too. But systems have to be *allowed* to change, and that's hugely threatening to people with power and money.
The tussle and pull of all these different elements is HUGE. Can't you feel it? And it can feel completely overwhelming. So I come back full circle. I have to keep coming back to my own adaptation, my own resilience. That's my only real choice and my power in all this.
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