“I went to Parliament on Tuesday because we had not finished debate on the issue of food assistance to communities. The issue is that we are disputing the decision by the party (MDC-A) to tell us to disengage before they consult. If
...they are saying MPs should disengage, a war is not fought in bits and pieces and after that we will come up with the best way forward. I couldn’t miss that meeting because that meeting was crucial, especially during this time of Covid-19 when people in our constituencies are
...hungry. We have people who we lead who we should consult first. Let us not put emotions everywhere. For the record, I voted for Chamisa and I will vote for him again, but let us not use emotions here. The bigger question is: Why didn’t we boycott Parliament when we said the
...presidential elections were rigged? Why should we disengage from Parliament simply because four MPs have been recalled from Parliament?” HANDISINI NDADARO; NDIMDC LEGISLATOR PETER MOYO WEKUSOUTHERTON! #myzimbabwe
KANA TICHISHAURA BATAI MAZWI! “I am not afraid of anyone. We are sometimes moved by the mob mentality, but I am not that type. I belong to the committee of social welfare that is critical at this stage during Covid-19. Why are some people angry? Isn’t that democracy entails that
...we share ideas? Maybe my fellow MPs will see reason and join us in Parliament to deliver to the people. This is the time when my constituency needs me most. I am not going to disengage from Parliament business, no.” KO NDINI NDADARO HERE? NDIDAVID TEKESHE WEMDC-A MAKONI
CENTRAL!!! Vechidiki mazuva ano vanoti TWABAM!!! #myzimbabwe.
KO MHINDURO NHAI MHOMHO YEZIMBABWE?? “The reasons for their attendance can best be explained by each individual MP. The consequences of defying a party directive will be determined by the appropriate party organ, our national council. The date will be set after completion of our consultations on the way forward.” KWETE KANI, NDIVAJAMESON TIMBA, DEPUTY SECRETARY GENERAL VEKAMBHA YACHAMISA!!! Pachirungu we call this equivocation par excellence!! The reasons reside with individual MPs? Correct, and they have given them!!!
So, too, does the matter and decision, which is what the three defiant MPs are saying! Consequences of defying “party directive” which come before “completion of nationwide consultations”? So, what is the party outside nationwide consultation; what is a directive ahead of that
...consultation? What integrity attaches to that consultation now that the mind of the leadership has been spilled bare through a pre-consultation, and thus illegitimate, directive?? Clear rigging of consultation for pre-ordained outcome! #myzimbabwe.
IMI, NDAKATI BATAI MAZWI KANA TICHITAURA!!! A clear clash between duty to party and obligation to constituency; clear clash between leadership whims and genuine loyalty to senders to Parliament. Above all, clash between rigged party line and constituency needs!!
More critically, a very good basis for class action by any registered voter in a disenfranchised constituency, should any arise. I like the way the MPs used Covid-19 pandemic to assert supremacy of constituency needs over party whims. Monumental clash between party and conscience
...and the question is what takes precedence?? A fundamental question as I fleshed it out last week!!! #myzimbabwe.
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