Not all guys are dirty or wears boxers for days... We still have guys who pay attention to what they wear, how they look and even take their bath 3 times a day.
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A thread
This have nothing what so ever to do with feminism and if you are not open minded kindly overcome the temptation of replying to this thread (God will not stress us oooo)
Why is it that it is only females that the SOCiety penalise for uncleanliness???
Because I've met men who spend a third as much time taking care of their body as women and those who make effort to smell nice and look neat as ladies. I have come to the conclusion that it is not only women who should be forced to be beacons of cleanliness in the society
Men and women have two eyes ( don't you know?)
Why then should it be the males who are formed by the society to genetically be unable to see the messiness in their midst? Have you been to some guys room unannounced???
It is so annoying the way the society forms us to see nothing wrong in men glowing in uncleanliness. We hardly make a deal out of the dust gathering on the floor of a male's room. Our eyes seems accustomed to even the smelling piles of laundry stacked up on the couch...
...Which only God can tell when it has been in that state). But just one single mess noticed in a female's room reduce her wife quality. Because of her scattered clothes or bottles of body cares not properly arranged, the girl is not fit to be someone's wife🙄
What's more annoying is the way some families train their children. A male child will make a mess and then the female child will be called upon to clean the mess. Maka, why?? What's wrong with the guy's hands? Then you go on to tell stories ..
..Stories of how the female child will be wife and mother someday.
And who says cleanliness should only be pursued by females? Who says it's not okay for the female to feel like she is not ready to clean and can keep her unclean clothes for days?
If you don't know, please keep this in mind; Both male & female have same eyes to see same mess. No one is comfortable sitting down with mess. It is only unfair, to think that only females can pursue cleanliness.Just like some guys can find cleaning unpleasant, we females can too
Let's come to relationships so you can see this cycle of prejudice created by the society. Men make fun of females for leaving hair in their armpits, not taking shower twice etc. But watch those men, a good percent of them keep long nails, and don't even clean their under nails..
And all the hard to reach spots and the beards and facial hair 🤢??? In as much as we females love beards, some smells like 🤮 but they complain that females don't wash their hair and will go on and on about hair nets. What about men brushing and flossing???
A high percentage of men have bad breath compared to ladies. Personal hygiene matters to both gender. Nothing should keep any of us from staying healthy. Men or women, let's start hyping overall personal cleanliness. If your man wants you neat, then he should be neat.
Men, you have more chances with women if you smell nice (forget artificial cologne) we are talking about your natural smell. If you can't keep up with taking care of your facial hair, shave it e Jhor🙏🏽. A woman will like you for who you are, with or without beards
And your nails 😃, we hate seeing them brown and yellow. Why are you keeping nails sef?? Keeping your nails short lowers the risk and spread of infection.
No one will trust someone who can't even take care of their body. The same level of care you apply to yourself is the same you'll apply to the people close to you (forget about the myth taped to gender). Let us all pursue cleanliness the same way we perceive dirtiness.
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