After hearing about how white supremacists in America have created a website to doxx and harm interracial couples.

I’ll say this:

1. There’s enough credible reasons we should be arming ourselves as Blk/BIPOC. Esp as police are too often among these racist groups.
2. Especially in America, the bigots/racists are armed, consider your own right to be armed as well.

3. When the US Government finally decides to deal with white supremacy as the domestic terror threat that it is, we will see the risk to POC safety plummet.
4. The Dept of Homeland Security warned about the clear & present danger white supremacists posed to American national security for over a decade, before Obama was even president. The Republicans & conservatives quashed the warnings. In 2019 Time magazine did an article about it.
5. Firearms as used by Black veterans, preachers, activists, and others ensured the safety of many Black Americans working the front lines as well as behind the scenes during the civil rights era.
6. Altho Dr King was murdered by these white supremacists shit heads, many other Black, brown, Indigenous, other BIPOC people were kept safe from harm because of the use of firearms by folks protecting civil rights pioneers.
7. Take accounts of racism seriously. Take these threats by hate grouos seriously.
8. Regardless if law enforcement does or does not, take white supremacy seriously. These groups are violent, but also cowards. They thrive on violence in the shadows. They will also attack while in groups. Racists rely on inaction by other white people, including law enforcement.
8. There is a long history of white supremacy and white domestic terror leading to what is also dubbed “white race riots”, where entire gangs of white bigots have attacked and murdered swaths of Black and Indigenous people, as well as Asian folks and other POC.
9. Being well armed helped Native American tribes fight off white bigots like the Klan. Are documented examples of Black Americans & Native Americans cooperating to ward off violence by white supremacists groups like the Klan, warning each other of pending violence by bigots.
10. I know that lots of Black folks are not realy enthusiastic about idea of being armed, honestly, we need to consider it. Regardless whether it’s firearms, knives, or other weapons, we gotta ensure we can defend our individual families & look out on behalf of our neighborhoods.
11. As I see the deaths of BIPOC at the hands of racist police & the continued threats & violence of white supremacists & those in political power, we gotta be prudent. So that if trouble comes to find us; we’ve got a suitable response for whatever situation we’re presented with.
12. Because Black people are heavily represented within the various branches of the military, if you got questions, or concerns, maybe a good place to start is a trusted family member or friend who’s done military service.
13. For so many years I resisted being armed w/firearms because it’s not something I enjoy. I certainly find no joy in the idea of hurting other people; but, these times we’re living in are EXTRAordinary circumstances. If you know anyone of age, ask em about the 1960’s & earlier.
14. Ask em to share with you what it looked like, felt like, the palpable emotion, to continuously hear of the lynchings by white mobs; the unprosecuted murders of Black people by white mobs, individuals, and law enforcement.
15. When Black & Indigenous ppl were armed, and then prepared to defend ourselves, these white mobs previously hell bent on terrorizing Black/BIPOC communities began to rethink how they engaged against us.
16. It’s unfortunate that the government has decided that dealing with the problems related to white bigotry, many that they’ve created & allowed to fester unchecked, are something that WE’VE got to deal with. But if we don’t, WHO?
17. We gonna have to consider how we’re gonna look out for ourselves and our communities, cause I certainly don’t trust Eric Garner’s or Korryn Gaines’, or Sandra Bland’s, or Michael Brown’s, killers to defend my family.
18. When you think about white supremacy, we know it’s not only in the south, it’s across America, recall all the images we’ve all seen from Ferguson & well beyond of police w/various white gangs tattoos, or gettin chummy with white gangs like proud boys & three percenters, etc.
19. People who refuse, even if it’s just casually, refuse to acknowledge our full humanity, are going to have an extremely difficult time of it, if protecting BIPOC requires them actually bein in harms way.
20. If they don’t see us as full equal human beings, will they risk their own safety for us? Unfortunately, we’ve seen as many of ‘em won’t even cross the dreaded “blue line of silence” when one of their fellow “brothers” commits horrible crimes, on VIDEO!
21. If they’ll refuse to participate in getting justice for victims of police violence, rape, and murder when one of their own police officers is a violent predator, what happens if/when some in their ranks also consider white supremacists members to be “one of their own”??
22. If you’re not having these conversations w/your family & friends, housemates & neighbors, IMO u need to broach the topic w/those u trust. IMO we don’t all need to be armed, but enough of us do, so that every community of ours has representation in position to help if needed.
23. Until white America as an overall group, overwhelming decides they will NOT tolerate white supremacy, bigotry & its accompanying violence, it’s on us. The Panthers knew it, The Deacons knew it, WWI&II Vets knew it, Harriett knew it, so did Malcolm & Martin & a slew of others.
24. Our blood & the blood of our anscestors been spilled all over this land. I hope that in my lifetime we get to finally and fully enjoy the promise of America. I hope that in my life we get to enjoy our inalienable right to live in peace, enjoy freedom, privacy, and dignity.
25. A friend once said to me, the 2nd Amendment is ur license to own a firearm. TBH it felt real odd to hear a Blk man referencing 2A that way. He was but one of many Black/BIPOC friends & family (Esp former military) encouragin their friends & family to consider various options.
BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color.
The Time magazine article I mentioned is linked in this thread here
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