Today I am going to do the first online exam for a course ever and I think I am more nervous than the students! Wish me luck :)
Update: all went relatively well, a few clarifications needed (as always) but I gave successfully collected 40 exams! No I 'just' have to grade them haha. Will be different because it is not on official @UniLeiden exam paper but otherwise just the same!
Some interesting questions on the exam setup that I got from @ParamvirSingh_ and @andreea_vescan that are worth answering! It was an open book exam, students were allowed to use whatever they liked, the slides, their own notes, internet etc. 3 hr fixed time (as on-campus is too)
They weren't allowed to collaborate, and students have to agree to a declaration they would not do so. We cannot really check, but I think as a principle, trusting students is good. Should I doubt their independence, I am allowed to do an extra (remote) oral, hope that's scary :)
This is a MSc level course, so most questions asked students to reflect on coursework, for example: given a framework for programming languages, what feature do you personally find most defining and why?
Or: given a list of quotes on PL beliefs (which I sourced from Twitter) extract a theory of what people like about PLs using axial coding. I think these answers are so personal, and it is all about arguments, frameworks and reasoning that I think the exam is a valid instrument,
but would I have preferred to do it on campus, and add a few more knowledge based questions? Hell yeah. Given the circumstances though, I am quite happy. But ask me again next week when I have graded more :)
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