Everytime someone talks about being diagnosed with anything I think about the one time my therapist did adhd tests. I was 15 and she was asking me questions like “do I play too rough”. When I said no (CAUSE I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL) she said no and was like “inconclusive” THANKS MAAM
INCONCLUSIVE. As in “well anxiety and adhd are hard to differentiate” YES!! BECAUSE I WASNT A 7 YEAR OLD BOY???
Really tanked my self esteem when I realized that her advice in “sit with the kid whose alone at lunch” is a one way street. No one else does it, I know cause I am the kid who would sit alone so that was cool
Oh and then I went to a therpist who was probably 70 and i brought up attention issues. She dismissed me instantly. She also had creepy clown paintings? That was nice
And if I just have this thread my most recent therapist I once told her i had picked up embroidery. She laughed at me. Like just straight up laughed at me that was fun
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