Yo wtf is happening he's saying the word 전능 (v similar to 저능 /means r*/) which means ace and it fits the context because that's what haechan is called by fans and the dreamies joke abt it and what's up with bad jaemin fans coming for haechan? He's literally just breathing??!?
If y'all can't understand the context of the premises or fully understood korean language please listen first educate yourself first then try to educate others all I'm saying is please don't judge without knowing fully on what really happened.
I wasn't going to speak up abt this but I saw a lot of ppl on the tl trending the hastag and I genuinely feel like jaemin did not meant to say what y'all intellects interpreted it into.
No one's going to see this thread anyway I'm just putting my thoughts out there but if you don't mind you can drop your own opinion here 😔😔 #thankyouhaechan
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