I mentioned a couple of months back that I had been banned from editing @Wikipedia. That ban expired back in March.

It was IMMEDIATELY renewed by ANOTHER Wikipedia editor. Handle: Berean Hunter.
I...have no idea who that is. Soooooooooo, I went to have a looksie at their public editor's profile.

This was it. And um. That is a Celtic Cross, y'all.
For those who aren't familiar: the Celtic Cross - which is beautiful, and used to be divorced from sinister intent - is a popular White supremacist symbol. You usually see this one, but as THAT symbol has become more recognizable, lotsa closet Nazis have adopted other versions.
I'm now demanding that @Wikipedia increase operational transparency. They have a data integrity problem, and it will continue to rot them from within if action isn't taken to stop it.
Also, I used to donate to @Wikipedia. They don't get another goddamn dime from me until they fix this.
Looking forward to reading about the (White, male) journalist who "bravely exposes" all this and gets a Pulitzer.
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