Alright I’m saying one last thing “controversial” tonight and then going to bed: it really disturbs me how much a lot of (mostly) white women don’t understand that racism literally permeates everything WOC experience, especially fiction.
A WW might say “oh but it’s just fandom/fiction/shipping/whatever” but none of these things, is exempt from being tainted by racism. Mostly because a lot of the media we consume is made by white men, they control the industry, the funding, the hiring... they just, control.
And this means our engagement in things related to media and our creation and consumption of fictional media needs to be examined with a critical eye. Many of us ignore a lot of painful ways we are ignored or poorly represented in media because its wrapped up in something we love
WOC don’t get to turn of the part of ourselves that is not just woman. We are always WOC. Race and gender (and maybe more than that) is always a part of us. But sometimes we are forced to choose which to align with during times of discourse. When we shouldn’t have to.
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