One problem that I see is that in our infinite wisdom as a country we never put limits on capital hording.

So there is no "enough."

Thus we have these hypercapitalistic neofeudal robber barons like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, who exploit our market-driven economy to its very limit to become wealthy to a point that defies reason.

Amazon itself is an abomination, and it represents everything that is wrong with our oligarchical kleptocratic fascist state.

Part of the behemoth's success is reliant on debt-driven consumption.

The idea that we should aspire to buy what we don't need with money we don't have to impress those we don't even like.

This debt-driven overconsumption is a plague, a pox upon humanity, our planet and its other inhabitants.

And it leaves its practitioners broken, yet addicted. Vacuous, yet lusting to fulfill their desires for even more at any cost.

This emptiness can be satiated, however, by finding meaning in the ephemeral journey of life itself. Through connections and experiences rather than debt and materialistic endeavors.

In America 70% of the GDP is driven by consumption, and the vast majority of it is frivolous consumption.

Imagine if we were to abandon the ways of Edward Bernays, and embrace meaning-driven existence.

Much of the rot would self-resolve in time.

There is hope for us yet.

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