Something has been on my mind. Because I’ve been seeing this happen to girlfriends for ages, but right now it is ESPECIALLY true for a couple of them and I want to give them a good shake. Hell, I’ve been guilty of allowing this in the past as well, so I get it.
Anyway, here’s the deal. Gals, if he’s not paying attention to you NOW when there’s a freaking pandemic and everyone has to stay home, then he doesn’t want to.
If he only pops up to talk about sex, that’s all he’s after. If he doesn’t ask about your day and genuinely engage you once you give an answer, then he doesn’t care about it. PERIOD. If he only talks expansively when you ask about HIS day. SAME THING GOES.
If you spend all your time wracking your brains to say something interesting enough to get him to talk to you, but he doesn’t go out of his way to do the same? Then he doesn’t care about you. Your interests are important to care about even if only because they make you happy.
Don't chase someone who isn’t chasing you back. I know it feels awful when you click with someone, think there’s something there, and then they drop off the face of the earth. But if they’ll do it now, they’ll absolutely do it down the road and it’ll be all the more devastating.
Why invest your time in that? If he doesn’t want you then you’re doing yourself a favor by letting him go. Because guess what? You are SMOKING. You’re BRILLIANT. AND you are certainly WORTHY of better.
I guarantee you someone else will want you. There’s always someone else. And you need to own that confidence even if you don’t particularly feel it right now. You are worthy of someone who goes out of their way for you the same way you do for them.
Now excuse me while I drink a glass of wine and contemplate a kind and diplomatic way of pounding this into my girlfriend’s skulls. Surely I can come up with a way? I’m terrible at sugar coating. Maybe I’ll just give it to them straight.
And yes, before you ask, I have trouble following my own advice and often do not value myself or my time the way I should, but HEAVEN HELP YOU if you F*CK with my friends. I will rain all over your goddamn parade.
Also before anyone jumps in here with, “But WOMEN do this, too!”, you can fuck right off. I mean it. Today is NOT the day and I am NOT the one. Thus far, I’ve only dated men so I’m speaking to what I know. My girls? Dating men. So go write your own goddamn thread.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk or whatever. And just remember, there are better guys out there for you to date. And if we're being honest, they probably have better d*cks than the guy you're currently dating. SO GO GET SOME.
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