Reading about the heartbreaking massacres in #kabul yesterday I can't help but think of how we're so far removed from what goes on 'half way across the world' that we dismiss such events as normalcy for those whom we've deemed undeserving of our empathy let alone attention.
But such instances are not normal, this isn't the way life is supposed to be. Sectarian violence, radical terrorism, drones, bombs, massacres at funeral processions, targeting weddings, restaurants, hospitals, mosques, homes- aren't supposed to be normal. For anyone, anywhere.
Afghanistan and it's people have literally been bleeding for as long as I can remember; imagine growing up through this or only knowing your homeland as such- through the violence afflicted upon it in an illegal occupation let alone the subsequent cyclical violence it feeds.
But wherever we look at the Muslim world rn, across the global south- that's all we see. We've seemingly come to be solely defined by this violence; it's the first thing that pops up into our minds when we, let alone Westerners, think of our homelands- 'danger', 'terror', 'war'.
Meanwhile those in diaspora, grapple with the twin realities of living apart from their place of origin where that violence has become so commonplace, in a state of constant worry because of this backdrop of death and grief that unfolds from afar.
Whilst mainstream media and discourse here constantly suffocates and traumatizes us by reinforcing and tying our whole identity to only that.
All our peoples here, especially Afghans and Iraqis, have only known such pain and despair for the past near two decades; with this violence lingering over them and burdening their very understanding of their own existence. But our people deserve better and more.
We come from beautiful countries with enriching histories and traditions and most of all, from the most loving of people. We, let alone the general population here, forget that- that we are more than the violence afflicted upon us and our homelands.

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