WRITER PARANOIA: Not telling u what to do but (yes I am): don’t expect a rep to prove themselves to you. It’s NOT what’s done. Go research their client list. You like? Cool, contact them.

But don’t say a version of “DM a list of your clients and I’ll consider if ur legit.” 1/2
True story: a girl at DWR learned my ex was a CAA agent. Girl “Cool, here’s my card, call me and I’ll send my script.” WHAT?? NO! It’s seen as disrespectful and presumptuous. Agents don’t chase noobs. EVER.

Know your place or that may be your one and only shot that you blew.
This one is like... EXACTLY like...
Solid point for AFTER you get it the room. Agreed: “Cool. What’s the plan?”

You already know I’m referring to BEFORE you get in the room, but it’s a relevant point you’ve made.🤙🏽
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