dear red cult,
-a thread-
ahh,dont mind this i just wanted to state my feelings and stuff!! đź’žđź’ž
dear red cult,
i wish i can tell you guys how much i appreciate you all. thank you for brightening my day more and more. i honestly dont even know what i would do without you guys. thank all of you for making me feel supported and loved 24/7
i dream i can tell you guys you're the best in front of you, but alas sometimes dreams dont come true. but i hope for this one to.
red cult is the place where i feel loved all the time.
red cult is honestly the best thing that's happened to me.
family. the definition is a place where everyone feels love and accepted. family is what red cult is to me. đź’ž
-end of thread-
i love you red cult members!!
(sigh this sounds so cringy-)
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