a while ago I started a "Songs I think are perfect" thread but now I can't find it so here's another one I'm starting
this one seems like a joke but I assure you not a day goes by when I don't think about this song
if I can ever listen to this song without tearing up, it'll probably be because I'm dead
what can I say, I'm a weeb and I like wind ensembles
if you don't like mystery skulls I don't know what to tell you
Jimmy Eat World were a huge musical awakening for me in high school
while my chois for this has changed many times over the years, currently this is the best Beatles song and I don't care who disagrees
on the subject of hot takes about best songs by classic bands, this is the best Fleetwood Mac song
if you don't like ska unfollow me
if your folk/country ain't tellin' a story, don't bother recordin' it
while everything Federale does hits me right in the "weird Western film" sweet spot, this instrumental is just too damn good
if I were to rank my best concert memories of all time, more than one would include seeing ASIWYFA with my boy Carlos Isales
another one that seems like a joke, but @gmcfosho is legitimately one of the most interesting and clever rappers of all time
anyone who's known me long enough will eventually be exposed to this one
this remix is so much better than the original
I could do a ton of neil cicierega mashups in this thread but I'll just do a few
another one
for tonight I'll end on this positive note, but I'll come back to this thread later (if I can find it again)
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