A short thread: Wearing masks clearly needs clarification. An N95, in the first photo, protects me and you, worn correctly. The cloth masks (2,3) and surgical mask (4) reduce my risk of infecting YOU, & vice versa, worn correctly. #COVID19 #Masks4All 1/5
If you don't cover your nose, you might as well wear it over your ear. Either ear. Same effect. #COVID19 #Masks4All 2/5
Now follow me closely here. The left photo is how a condom works when used properly. The photo on the right is how your mask works when I can see your nose, or if it's on your chin. #COVID19 #Masks4All @LifeStylesUSA 3/5
An aside about "negative proofs" - when you use protection every time, you don't *see* results, and that's the entire point. Right @LifeStylesUSA? #Masks4All #COVID19 4/5
•Be kind to the hearing impaired. Many don't realize how much they depend on reading lips.
•Until now, there's never been a better way of signaling others you care about THEM. Wearing a mask in public is not about you. When we all wear them, it's about US. #Masks4All
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