some people are misunderstanding me. i will continue to support dream. with sm's twisted way of managing their groups i do doubt we'll get an apology or even any word on the matter. i will stop supporting dream if this occurs again.
jaemin could've said one of two things: 저명 or 저능. they only have one letter difference and they're both easy to mix up. i don't know which one jaemin was trying to say, the way he said it and how others in the video made it seem as if he said the slur. (cont)
(the first one means eminence the second one is the equivalent of the slur.) jaemin has proven himself to be kindhearted and kfans are saying he said the first one, but they're both so similar i cannot say; i'm not 100% fluent in korean, i'm open to criticism from fluent.. (cont)
korean speakers. it sounds to me as if he said the slur, as it does to others. please do not misunderstand us as antis, as we love jaemin, we just want to make sure he didn't say this.
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