I'm not against wearing masks, at least in crowded areas or around high risk people, but the idea that all of America must continue to be entirely shutdown for much longer is dangerous. And it isn't just because of the stock market or the GDP, screw that.
It's mostly bc the cost of doing so is growing exponentially. "The economy" isn't just some abstract means for wealthy people to profit: people need means of income, people need jobs. More than that, isolation is and will be spiritually and emotionally devastating for society.
That is the worst part of all this. We our causing incalculable damage both short and long-term to families, communities, churches, and individuals. People need interaction, and not just pseudo-social interactions online.
Social media and other means of online communication have become a crutch for those who want more shutdown. The fact that some people can do their jobs from home, that schools can "continue" online, and that loved ones can "communicate" via zoom actually means very little.
These do nothing to combat the existential isolation of many. The idea that these means are adequate substitutes for physical interaction is implicitly Gnostic. This isn't healthy leisure, it's stunting to individual and social growth. And this isn't a minor issue.
Acting like this will have no effect on the suicide epidemic is dumb. Acting like this won't effect the long-term cohesiveness of the culture is dumb. While many people struggle to survive or struggle with loneliness, others can sit comfortably in their wealth with their family.
We can do better. Precautions are necessary, but going overboard just for the feeling of safety does jack squat for many. Scientists don't have unlimited predictive power, but more importantly, they don't have special prudential knowledge, just scientific knowledge of the virus.
Stop saying that everyone who wants to open up certain things is uncharitable. Stop undervaluing the costs of protective measures. I was for limited quarantining, and I am for protective measures, but I am not for cultural, spiritual, economic, and social suicide.
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