I'm convinced the 'most menstrual cycles produce 2 Tbls of blood' was a conclusion reached by a bunch of men who measured 1 (one) persons period and were like "ew thats enough research, we're done here"
Some people's cycles are closer to a light spattering for 2 days. And some people cannot make the 2 hour drive to work without overflowing a heavy pad for 5 days.

And then these studies say "the average is 2 tbls"

Like-- this conclusion may technically be correct??
These two extremes are both normal-- So telling people who have periods "the average amount of blood is 2 Tbls" IS INCREDIBLY MISLEADING.

Sup, uterus' might have a light sneeze each month, or it might look like a scene from 300
lmao, a period is made of 50% blood and 50% Other Stuff. Measure the whole thing you cowards.

It's not like people with periods use menstrual products like 'Oh, I only need 1 tampon because I'm only collecting the blood!'

who tf is in charge of these studies -- OH WAIT 🙄
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