Since we are now in the last 10 days try to benefit the most you can. 🧵
These are little things that I do to make the last 10 the best đź’•
Give at least £1 in charity everyday so, if it fall on laylatul qadr, it’s like you gave charity everyday for 84 years.
Try and pray 2 raka’t of tahajud everyday so if it fall on laylatul qadr, it’s like you prayed for 84 years.
Read surah ikhlaas 3 time a day so if it falls on laylatul qadr, it’s like your read the whole Quran everyday for 84 years.
After every salah say/read for reward: Subhanallah +10times
Alhamdullilah +10 times
Allahu Akbar +10times
Get used to sending the prophet Mohammad salawat daily as it has many blessings.
Try to read or listen to surah al-mulk every night as it will protect your from the punishment of the grave.
You can follow @__Nura99__.
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