hi, i’m not korean but i lived there for a bit and spoke to my korean friends abt this so i want to share my thoughts.

these are my texts with my korean auntie +
+ from this conversation, and from what my friends said, what jaemin said is not a slur or the equivalent of the r slur.

depending on the context, it can be extremely rude/insulting, or simply a joke/tease. +
+ as idols, i understand that nct dream needs to be careful about the things they say and the way they are said.

but as fans of artists who do not communicate in english, we need to be careful when it comes to translations and cancel culture+
+ as someone who does not speak korean, if you looked at the first translation/tweet you saw and decided to cancel nct dream, i believe you are wrong. in a situation where jaemin had said something offensive (the r slur) our job is to educate. not mindlessly cancel. +
+ languages are not always easy to translate. it’s really tricky. i think people forget that.

the word jaemin used, as i’ve said before, has a variety of translations depending on CONTEXT (ranging from ‘r slur’ to ‘바보’/babo). +
+ given the fact that jaem/hyuck have been friends for years, i do not think that jaemin was carelessly throwing the r slur at his friend.

that’s all i have to say. i hope this clears some stuff up, if you were confused.
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