I would be fucking thrilled if the Democrats turn this election on it’s head and make the 2020 election about the 30-40% of the voting population in the USA cheers on a traitor? A criminal? A pathological liar? An adulterer? A classless sack of shit. This is about them.
What’s it going to take? Trump fucking your mother on a Robert E Lee statue? Give us a line.
85,000 dead and Manafort goes home, tries to get Flynn off. Accuses former President of a crime without even one in mind. Accused a tv host of murder. This is just while 3000 die a day. Wants 50 states to coordinate a virus pandemic. I mean fuck.
We gotta get back to work but no one was more serious about covid but it was China no impeachment. No Obama didn’t have tests for a virus that didn’t exist. At what point do we say our civility is being tested? How can I get along with people who think this is not ok but GREAT
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