Thread with answers for SF9 FanCafe.
Draft. May be edited if not working.
Please make sure your settings are correct. And your fancafe nickname follows the rules before applying.
Screen shots included. In the doc with answers please copy paste and remove instructions.
Step 1.
Rules for FC nickname
Must be:
1.Hangeul(8syllables max) or English (10chars max)
2.May be mix of hangeul and English and numbers.(10chars max)
3.Cannot use any symbol or spaces--
4. Mustn't use SF9 or any members name singularly. However can use in combination. Eg. Ilysf9, 셒구love9
5. No other language. Or any other emoticon allowed.
6. No other artist name, or anything related to another fandom.
Step. 2.
Check your settings.
Make sure your settings are exactly like the 3rd pic.
3. For applying.
Make sure you have your screen shots ready.
Rules for screenshot. Apple music+Spotify work. Besides Korean music streaming
a screenshot of your stream of ‘Good Guy’. Two pics. One at the beginning and one at the end about 5-10 seconds before the end of song-
-Make sure you like the song before screen capturing and that you have your FANCAFE NAME EDITED ONTO THE SCREENSHOT.
Now onto applying.
These steps will bring you to the application board.
Somehow twt isn't letting me paste anything else to this thread. So I'll comment the rest. Please refrain from commenting. Just like and rt to help anyone else. Or dm for doubts.
You can follow @sundryliszt.
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