
Any scientist who did not see this after the Feb 23 paper?

What scared me at that point was how lethal was this virus.

So, I (and most ppl trying not to indulge in fear mongering must have) kept quiet.

That fear has subsided for various reasons. https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1260649261219209216

1. Mortality rates have come down in many countries.

2. Antibodies are being made in large quantities

3. Anaerobic hypothesis, if true, suggests ABX will help significantly.


4. See this thread, how fast it spreads.

How can this not be endemic in Dharavi?
700K ppl in 2 sq Km, shared toilets (population of NZ is 7 times of that).

But mortality is very low.

This virus is not a death sentence, as the media is portraying.
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