I can honestly say the hardest lesson for me moving into my own power is to see how badly the world wants you as a woman, esp a young Black woman, to accept accept accept CRUMBS and be grateful for them. And truly enjoy it.
And my experience has been and to have seen instances where when as a woman you refuse to accept that, the world is absolutely ready to punish you for wanting more than crumbs to call a feast.
I find that to be the scariest thing: how willing the world is to break women that want more, and how often even other women line up to break other women that want more.

I wish that we had a language to talk about this, and unpack it.
I am still what society considers young, but youth like any construct, has its limits b/c it isn't real.

Women have been so conditioned to think of their power as being proximity and mimicry of "youth", and I try to cultivate ideas about actualization far removed from that.
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