Hey y’all I need to clarify because a lot of people including friends I care about were hurt by this thread... I’m not talking about ALL reylos. https://twitter.com/spacejessss/status/1260678534369968128
There is a specific subset of Reylo fandom that continually engages in racism and plays the victim when WOC not in Reylo fandom push back. Most of them are white. Every corner of fandom has bad seeds and I know a lot of reylos try to call out bad behavior when they see it.
I am sorry I was not more careful with how I worded things. My friends and groups that I associate with have been harassed by this corner of Reylo fandom and I was extremely angry that it seems to be popping up again.
Again, if you are not a part of this section of Reylo fandom this thread was not aimed at you. Twitter isn’t the best medium to express nuanced points and what I thought was an obvious distinction was not.
So anyway, eat the rich and all that 🖖🏻
I think this is a great lesson in emphasizing that words matter. We are all learning, me especially, and always. And I hope that enough of us can admit that and do the work.
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