Just blew 300 loveca and a dozen scouting tickets on what was probably the most inefficient lim UR scouting I've ever done. I meant to do just one pull on the step-up box (->50 loveca) but then I got Eli's lim UR instead of Nico's or Nozo's

and I was like

I legitimately saw the UR envelope fly out and I was like "UGHHHHH THIS BITCH. IT'S ELI, ISN'T IT," AND IT WAS. AND I HOWLED. Like. I love her. She's good. But it's been FIVE YEARS OF GETTING CONSISTENTLY ELI CURSED, and I was NOT gonna let #9/9 come out in place of #1/9 or #2/9.
So then I did another scout (->100). And I got the lim Nozo UR. And I was happy. So then I did another one (->150) for Nico (mistake). I got nothing. So then I did the free one. And I got nothing. So then I did a fifth one (->200) and got an Eli UR (Baseball, Pure, I groaned).
But then I realized that was one of the last four URs I needed! To finish my tricolor u's UR teams! So I pogged. (I'm only missing Pure Honoka, Smile Hanayo, and Smile Umi now.) So then I did a sixth (->250), seventh (->300) and eighth (free) and got nothing. And I was like. bro
So w/ 44 scouting tickets and 36 love gems, I then switched over to the chose-your-UR box (like I should've 100 loveca beforehand) with a total of 50 pulls available out of the 100 pulls required to guarantee the Nico UR.

She ended up coming home in 12 scouting tickets. B^)
tl;dr: I got legitimately lucky and, despite how badly I handled this entire sequence, I ended up walking away with legitimately good results exclusively because I got that non-lim Pure Eli UR (and also 3 pre-idolized SL4 Lim URs lol that are gonna make my teams skyrocket, lol).
Also now I can use Nozo (6th anni)/Nico (7th anni)/Nozo (7th anni) as my Smile/Pure/Cool centers and that rocks.

ngl tho, BokuIma's the one u's song that makes the the most emotional (Korekara who) so I'm super happy I was able to get all of the 3rd years, matching.
inb4 KLab brings back last years' anni Aqours URs sometime during the current campagin and I'm forced to feel like an asshole because I'd been saving up for Yohane's UR.
*Mandatory disclaimer: I don't actually hate Eli (I legitimately like her!!) but uhhh when a character who's an 8/10 keeps consistently showing up and taking the place of two ACTUAL 11/10s because she shares the same box as my top two best girls, ofc I'm gonna be pissed lol.
If the non-lim Eli UR I got had been Cool after I'd spent 3 UR seals buying Poor Eli to work towards my tricolor UR teams

I would've gone fucking feral, lmao.

BONUS POINTS: W/ this Smile lim Eli UR, I can swap out my PLock idolized SLG Eli and I'm legit happy b/c I hate PLocks
Pool Eli*

Gomen there's a bunch of typos in this thread I'm just calming down from scouting adrenaline.
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