wallahi use this time to sit and deep the kind of life you’re living. If you’re sitting there thinking you can’t wait to bun a zoot or hit the clubs after Ramadan then you need about the words of our Prophet ﷺ

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imagine our beloved Prophet ﷺ who would never curse anyone and forgave every enemy of Islam cursed a person. it was reported the by Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him’ that the Prophet ﷺ said:
“May he be disgraced the person who reaches the month of Ramadan, and he is not forgiven.” DEEP THAT. Wallah if Allah azzawajal does not forgive you during this month THEN WHEN WILL HE
you can’t sit there thinking oh what am I gonna lose? at most you think you’ll lose some rewards? no. THE PROPHET ﷺ IS CURSING YOU, and his companions said ameen to it. you earn the wrath of Allah swt.
fix yourself up now and earn the forgiveness of Allah swt during this month and be sincere with it!!!!! pls don’t take hellfire lightly or as a joke.
May Allah’s forgiveness fall onto every single person whom I love and care about as well as the whole ummah, ameen
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