You stupid motherfuckers wanted to build a gigantic 500 mile border wall to stop imaginary caravans of evil Mexican gangs heading to kill you, but you can't hang back from Applebee's and Equinox for a few months to stop a fucking pandemic from killing 140,000 people?
You screamed that Obama's plan for universal health care was communism, socialism, and fascism, putting grandma and grandpa in front of a death squad, but when grandma and grandpa are actually in trouble of suffocating it's cool cause some jackass on Fox is calling them warriors?
You dressed like fucking Minutemen for 8 years, carrying old flags, screaming about tyranny, but as soon as some loud mouth reality tv host tells you lies, sells you fake cures and gives you free money, the revolution is over, and you're content to just put on a red cap and die?
Well I got news for you, real news, the country is fucked. Jobs gone. Virus spreading. No cure ready. And the cheerleader you built a sky high monument to? He's inept. A failure. Only cares about his reelection. And we're screwed until we can stop the spread, of Trump's bullshit.
The death toll is real, the miracle cures are fake, the reopening is premature, the President didn't stop jack from coming to America. It's here. It's killing people. And you're acting like an a-hole, which I only care about, because your stupidity is going to get people killed.
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