See there’s Black Conservatism, which holds the traditional values of Black Husbands and Wives having Black Children, favor fiscal conservatism, stress ownership, anti-abortion, gun rights, etc.

I fw it.

Then you got Black Face Conservatism. Let me explain...
There’s an emphasis on two parent homes, but “coincidentally” they always find themselves with a partner that is not Black. They anoint themselves as ideological saviors for brainwashed plantation blacks.
When a high profile case against a block person is circulating in the media, they have two modes, when interacting with outraged black people: contrarian (or shall we say coon-trarian) and neutral.
They are vocal when they think the case against the Black person is strong.

They are neutral when the case in favor of the Black person is strong. This isn’t true neutrality, but rather dormancy, in anticipation of developments against the black persons.
As such they jump at any opportunity to poke holes in the assertions of their own kind. You saw such a thing the other day when @RealCandaceO and @TheOfficerTatum saw the footage of Ahmaud in the open construction site:

“SEE HE WASNT JUST JOGGING! And he was wearing khakis!”
Point is, somehow or another they ALWAYS “coincidentally” find themselves on the side of the people they claim to be the saviors of. They disguise it as tough love. They mischaracterize it as “free thought”.
They know little to nothing about black struggle other than loose references to slavery, and even that only when they’re trying to be the voice crying out in the wilderness to “leave the Dem plantation”. Everything else is chalked up to a black culture of laziness and entitlement
Follow the money though. It always reveals itself. What they tell you is “free thought” is really the ingenious puppetry of their employers.

Spoiler alert: they look nothing like them.
Know the difference between Black “Conservatism” (a term which should always have an asterisk near it, if anything) and Black Face Conservatism.

@RealCandaceO and @TheOfficerTatum are Black Face Conservatives.

For Chrissakes they even had CJ Pearson disagreeing with them.
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