Time to dive into #ASCO20 abstracts! High vegetable protein intake associated w/lower risk of breast cancer incidence & post dx death; higher animal protein intake associated w/higher risk of br ca incidence, but not mortality

Abstract 1569 https://bit.ly/2LDHQ5D 
Less than half of cancer pts received care in line with NCCN guidelines. Socioeconomic status linked to likelihood of receiving concordant care

Abstract 7031 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/188228/abstract
Almost half of medical trainees use twitter for professional activities. Most common uses: education, dissemination of information, and networking

Abstract 11041 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/185902/abstract

Compared to cisgender pts, transgender pts were less likely to be screened for breast & cervical cancer, more likely to lack primary care physician, and more likely unable to see a physician w/in past year due to cost

Abstract 7024 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/190341/abstract

Compared to pts w/private insurance, patients with public insurance or no insurance had worse survival at each stage for most of 17 cancer sites studies, and among all combined.

Abstract 7026 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/190310/abstract

Despite several adverse socioeconomic factors (older, more gov't insurance, lower income and less education), breast cancer pts w/access to CoC-accredited facilities had significantly shorter time to treatment and better survival
Abstract 7027 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/190306/abstract

Participation in a clinical trial associated with increased total direct medical costs (study was in pts w/metastatic NSCLC).

Abstract 7084 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/190342/abstract


Can we fix this, please?
Observed racial differences in triple negative breast cancer diagnoses may be at least partially mediated by differences in socioeconomic position and reproductive patterns, including breastfeeding.

Abstract 1565

A substantial proportion of cancer pts report lack of confidence in their ability to complete medical forms or understand medical statistics, potentially limiting the ability to actively engage in shared decision-making

Abstract 7038


Hospitalization rates for systemic therapy complications increased 8.1% per year between 2005-2016

Abstract 7078 https://meetinglibrary.asco.org/record/190287/abstract

Breast density testing using DBT would result in fewer deaths and increase quality of life... but the effect is minimal and carries a high cost.

Abstract 7072

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