. @AOC & @sunrisemvmt have been valuable allies in the fight for a working class Green New Deal.

On one hand, we recognize these appointments as a reflection of the Left’s growing power.

On the other, we know that access does not equal power.

Our power lies with the people. https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1260580420489445378
As @AOC & @VarshPrakash acknowledge, representation on committees does not equal policies.

Giving a few a seat at the table will not win over young & working class voters—let alone win the power to meet the magnitude of this moment through a #PeoplesBailout & #GreenStimulus. https://twitter.com/varshprakash/status/1260522684359860224
Joe Biden has chosen to ally with the capitalist class over the working class throughout his entire career.

The Democratic establishment wants us to believe we can include exploiters and the exploited in a truly unified coalition. https://twitter.com/demsocialists/status/1260244691888504834
The Democratic establishment likely sees these task forces as a return to closed-door negotiating—separating the 99% from political elites.

But @AOC & @sunrisemvmt advanced GND struggles by disrupting backroom talks w/ mass organizing—we must build power in ever greater force. https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1260582704170532870
At best, this effort can deepen fissures in the ruling class.

Only an organized working class will win a truly transformative Green New Deal.

The decisive fights for that vision will take place through ballots, direct action, & mass strikes—not negotiations behind closed doors. https://twitter.com/flyingwithsara/status/1260664966169927681
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