A thread demonstrating that anti and fanpol rhetoric is closely linked to the radfem anti-porn/anti-sw rhetoric prolific on tumblr

Here's my original post on tumblr. We're following a reblog trail today, folks.
Ground zero for radfem interaction is sappho-the-witch, who immediately begins ranting about fanfiction "normalising" pedophilia and the many pedos "hiding" in fandom
Here are a couple of examples of sappho-the-witch reblogging terf posts
The post is then reblogged by artemis-howl, who made no comment. If you look at artemis-howl's username on desktop with shinigami eyes enabled, it shows up red.
Pinkvoidmuse reblogs it from artemis-howl and does add commentary, talking about how she confronted a friend for going on a fanfic site with (gasp) TAGGED CONTENT ON IT!
Pinkvoidmuse has since responded to a few of my comments. Note that despite claiming not to know about antis and fanpol, she still applies radfem arguments about pornography to fic, resulting in posts identical to that of antis/fanpol.
It's also worth noting her behaviouralist, toxic understanding of human sexuality in her comments.
The most recent addition is a reply from webshrine. Again, when you apply shinigami eyes on desktop, the username shows up red.
I have since marked both sappho-the-witch and pinkvoidmuse as anti-trans using shinigami eyes and I encourage my followers to do the same.
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