Thread exposing “Maleek” ( @AbuJimin )
NOT his real name. He became a Zionist to attend college. He is the definition of a hypocrite and a liar. He is racist, misogynistic, ironically homophobic and islamophobic. Please go and report his account. Get him suspended.
1. Zionist “Maleek”. He is mocking his own people to get his name removed off an anti-Palestinian site called “Canary Mission” so he can attend college. Sell out and hypocrite.
2. Racist “Maleek”. He has created many fake accounts under different user names. In one of them he called someone the “N” word and said white privilege doesn’t exist but had the audacity to call his professor out for the same thing.
3. Homophobic. “Maleek” is a closeted homosexual. This is not to “out” him but rather to expose his hypocrisy. He put down the LGBTQ community several times for clout and abused gay people.
4. Continued: He tried dating a guy here on twitter only to end up verbally and emotionally abusing him because he was rejected by him several times. He then went on to play victim.
Continued part 2
5. Misogynistic “Maleek”. He has called women on twitter fat, ugly and “hoes” because he’s disagreed with them on several topics.
6. Islamophobic “Maleek” claims to be a proud Muslim yet posted several memes under his several past accounts mocking Islam for likes. He also put down the Arab Christian community and said their persecution isn’t real. He posted this as a “joke”.
7. “Maleek” is a liar. His name is actually Jumah. He has been suspended and had several other accounts also removed. He is a toxic horrible person who needs professional help. He needed to be exposed once and for all.
The next time you go around opening your mouth about Palestinians and making fun of our struggle to appease the enemy, make sure to delete ALL your receipts!
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