Michael Flynn memory lane.

Remember what Elijah Cummings’ Oversight report told us:

“2015 to 2016: General Michael Flynn worked closely with companies seeking to profit from the transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, including by serving as an advisor to IP3”

“International, a private company that assembled a consortium of companies seeking to build nuclear plants in Saudi Arabia, and IP3’s predecessor company. New documents obtained by the Committee show that General Flynn informed his business partners about upcoming interactions
“with officials in Russia and the Middle East—including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)—and offered to use these contacts to further IP3’s business interests.”

As Judge Sullivan put it, you “sold out your country.”

In case you haven’t noticed, the first unmasking request was made on Nov 30, 2016 - a full month before Flynn’s infamous call with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

So this wasn’t necessarily about “the Russia thing” at all.

It was about something that happened before that call.
“The comeback, as the coalition saw it, would come via Saudi Arabia and would rely on using President Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s cozy relationship with the country’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.”

Jared Kushner And MBS, one big happy family.
This type of activity by Kushner is part of a much bigger pattern that frequently flies under the radar.

Jared Kushner has been running a shadow foreign policy with world leaders, often without the State Department’s knowledge.

Ask Rex Tillerson:
/7 https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/27/tillerson-kushner-exit-interview-1385305
“Kushner’s relationship with leaders in Saudi Arabia and the [UAE] at times hampered Tillerson’s ability to calm tensions in the Middle East [...]

That was especially the case in June 2017, when those and other Arab countries decided to sever diplomatic ties with Qatar”

The Qatar blockade was a separate issue, that interestingly coincided with Kushner being bailed out of a massive financial boondoggle on his 666 5th Ave property (a thread in itself).

But the broader pattern of Kushner’s “unofficial” business remains, and demands attention.
What does this all have to do with Flynn?

It’s very simple, really.

Flynn’s (and Kushner’s) activities reveal a group of private persons and entities, who are using the US Government to pursue projects that are decidedly *not* in line with official US policies.

The USIC became aware of this in 2016, which is what led to the “unmasking.”

But Elijah Cummings Oversight committee also learned of it later, through whistleblower reports, and his committee published a thorough report on what they had found:


Cummings released his report on July 20, 2019.

Seven days later, an intruder broke into his Baltimore home.

The break-in occurred around 3:40am, on a Saturday - July 27.

At 7:14am, Trump tweeted that maybe Cummings should spend more time in Baltimore:
Elijah Cummings was a brave man who faced unbelievable adversity in his life. He was a dedicated public servant.

We would do well to pay attention to the corruption that he tried to reveal.

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